Thursday, February 14, 2008

2008.02.14 Your Way or the Highway! Acts 21:14

Act 21:14 And since he would not be persuaded, we ceased and said, "Let the will of the Lord be done."

Does Agabus' prophecy help the believers at this point. In some sense it put them into a state of fear for Paul's life, but it simply tells of what will hapen. It is the believers who assume this outcome will be bad and should be avoided.

But paul has a different understanding of this prophecy, it seems to almost prepare him or even strengthen his desire to go. For he knows that he is ready to go for the name of Jesus. He would not back down simply because of death or imprisonment.

The body of believers than conceded their persuading and asked that God's will would be done. We don't know what they end up doing, but it doesn't seem like that ask God that Paul would not go anymore or that he would not be imprisoned.

Let the will of the Lord be done. That must have been really difficult for the body to swallow. They have been close with Paul and they love him so much, but their love for God has to be greater in order to believe and trust that even if their dear friend's death or imprisonment is okay.

Father, I pray that you would give me the wisdom to distinguish between my own selfishness and what your will may be. For it can appear that doing your will is foolishness, but help me see it as life. Amen.

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