Wednesday, August 08, 2007

2006.06 reflections

I contacted a student, named Andrew, during the fall term, who filled out a survey about his thoughts on spirituality. He was a typical freshman, trying to figure out life and wanting to know what role God might have in his life. As we talked more he revealed his homosexual lifestyle. He wanted to know if he could stay homosexual and be a Christian at the same time. I told him that it was clear that the God of the Bible was against this sin, but it was no different than any other sin (i.e. gossip, drunkenness, stealing). It didn’t seem to matter what I reasoned, Andrew had a counter for everything. Our conversation turned into more of a discourse on the difficulty of being gay in our society and how he felt it was unfair. He thanked me for our discussion and appreciated me sharing my thoughts with him.

After that meeting, I pondered a lot different words I could have said or how I could have challenged his thinking more. My heart just prayed for Andrew to desire God more than he loves his lifestyle. I tried to get together with him several times throughout the year but every attempt failed. I would run into him on campus but each instance was only a brief “hello” in passing. He never seemed to have time.

I still think of Andrew every once in awhile, and today I ran into him again. Today was different. He said he wanted to talk because he had been thinking about God a lot lately. He asked the same question- if he could still be a homosexual and be a Christian. He had some of the same arguments of why God should allow him to keep his lifestyle. I told him Christ’s words, "Whoever saves his life in this life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will save it." We talked a lot more, but it seemed that Andrew still wasn’t willing to give up his lifestyle for Christ.

I share this story with you because it encourages me. I know it is not one of conversion, but of a struggle for someone whom God dearly loves. I was not expecting to see Andrew again this term, let alone have an in-depth conversation with him. God reminded me that He is still working on this campus and is pursuing students, even students that I have given up on. God is pursuing Andrew’s heart greatly. I believe that is why he wants to be able to reconcile his lifestyle with one filled with Christ. Please pray for this man to experience the full love and acceptance of God. That he would be used by God to reach out to the gay/lesbian community. Pray that Andrew would desire God more than what he can find in his present lifestyle.

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