Thursday, May 04, 2006

March-April 2006 Prayer Requests

Praise God:

_ Healthy new baby: Isabel. Pray for our continued adjustment, as we trust Him to help us raise our three children all under 5 years of age.

_ Katrina relief. CCC sent over 1000 students over their spring breaks to help with this project. Our Oregon students were humbled and grateful for their opportunity to help people in need and to witness to non-believers as they served together.

_ Porn Nation. Over 500 students heard the presentation about the effects of pornography in our society. Over 160 students heard the presentation of the Gospel and 4 received Christ. Pray for the students that responded and for us to embrace them into our life communities.

_ 3 of our students will offer a year of their lives to do an internship with CCC. We are excited to see how God will use them. 2 will come back to UofO next year and 1 will go to Croatia. Pray for their hearts to be encouraged as they raise up a team to support them in their needs for this next year.

_ the students who have been accepted to summer projects. Pray for their hearts to be prepared to learn from God.

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