Monday, March 13, 2017

Cru Conference

Recap of Cru Winter Conference 2016, Portland Oregon
Students from all over the Greater Northwest region descended on Portland, Or, to meet together, worship God, hear from God through speakers, and then share with others by serving one of the poorest neighborhood communities of Portland called Rockwood.  There we shared the gospel, took surveys to understand the physical needs and gauging people’s spiritual interest, and prayed with people they encountered.  For many, this day is terrifying.  For others, a joy.  One of our students, Alexis, who just happens to keep a blog, shared this about her experience:

“I didn’t think I could do it. I honestly did not believe I had it in me to go knock on a random door and talk about Jesus with people. I was so full of anxiety and fear, but I surprised myself. God stepped in and became my words and because of this, I got to pray with two different families to bring in the new year. It was incredible.”

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