Thursday, May 28, 2015

A New Season

One of the areas that I am so passionate about giving leadership to is spiritual formation. Spiritual formation in our context will be using any means possible to help staff and students focus on their deepening of faith and spiritual growth. Often times in ministry there can be an emphasis on ministering to others while finding yourself dry or going through the motions just because you can.   I am passionate about helping our staff team, volunteers, and students understand that they are more important than what they can produce or do for the Lord. 

I have met with young families and encouraged them to make sure that their first ministry is to their families.  Their calling in Cru ministry would come after their first calling. 

I have reminded staff that the number one priority in their job is to love the Lord.  Pursuing time with Him should fall into their working hours, as well as after work.     

I have mediated a dispute between team members.  Interpersonal conflict is the number one reason why staff leave the mission field. 

I have spoken words of grace and truth to some students and staff that needed to hear it.  There is more here than meets the eye.  The movement here at UW has a lot of moving pieces.  It has been so fun and life giving to be able to jump right in and be a blessing to the movement and the students. Based on feedback and affirmation from the Lord, so far I’ve been able to step right in and operate in a way that is a lift to the team, not just production wise, but life and spirit-wise--my main goal.

One thing that has been awesome is getting to see Patrice add quite a bit to the team.  She has blessed the young moms on the team who are chasing around little kiddos- a not too distant memory for us.  I also love seeing Patrice meet with some of the young staff and students.  She has a lot to offer these young women and more than that, by just spending time with them she is allowing them to see what it looks like to be an incredible woman of God.  I am so very proud of Patrice and these new opportunities that she finds herself in.  She is more open to them and God seems to be providing them too.   It’s a new season for us in so many ways.

Thankful to serve, thankful to love, thankful to you for enabling us to minister in these ways!  

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